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    Custom madehydraulic valve block

    The material for processing valve block shall be compact in internal structure, free from interlayer, trachoma and other defects, and the blank shall be detected if necessary. Cast iron blocks and larger steel blocks should be aged and pretreated before processing.
  • Category:
    Valve block
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  • Release time:
    2021-07-06 16:33:38

All the screw holes on the valve block shall have machining accuracy requirements, generally 7h. The machining accuracy of the mounting hole of the threaded cartridge valve shall meet the requirements of the product sample. The roughness of the mounting hole of the cartridge valve is Ra0.8. In addition, there are also dimensional tolerance and geometric tolerance requirements. The surface roughness of 0-ring groove is ra3.2, and that of general runner is Ra12.5. The high pressure valve block shall be made of 35 forged steel as far as possible, and the general valve block shall be made of A3 steel or ductile iron. When cutting the valve block material from the plate by gas cutting, sufficient machining allowance shall be left, and the blank of the valve block shall be forged before processing. The material for processing valve block shall be compact in internal structure, free from interlayer, trachoma and other defects, and the blank shall be detected if necessary. Cast iron blocks and larger steel blocks should be aged and pretreated before processing.

In the design of hydraulic valve block, the oil circuit should be as simple as possible, and the deep hole, inclined hole and process hole should be reduced as much as possible. The hole diameter in the valve block should match with the flow rate, especially the through hole must have enough flow area, the direction and position of the oil inlet and outlet should match with the general layout of the system and the connection form of the pipeline, and the process of installation operation should be considered. The components with vertical or horizontal installation requirements must meet the requirements after installation. For the elements that need to be adjusted in the work, the convenience of operation and observation should be considered in the design, such as the relief valve, speed control valve and other adjustable elements should be set at the position where the adjusting handle is easy to operate.

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